How to Maintain a Spin Bike

How to Maintain a Spin Bike

One of the common fallacies of how to maintain a spin bike is that because they are essentially indoor bikes and not outdoor bikes, their maintenance would probably need to be carried out along lines of the latter. It is true that the spin bike shares many of the functions and structural facets of the outdoor bike.  But some features like a flywheel, console, etc. do not exist on outdoor models. In order to enjoy the level of performance over an extended period of time, you should follow a specific maintenance schedule.  We have compiled a spin bike maintenance schedule for you to follow.  The maintenance schedule is divided daily, weekly, and monthly tasks.

Daily Spin Bike Maintenance Tasks

These maintenance tasks need to be carried out after every spinning session and generally involve basic scrubbing and cleaning. Cleaning removes the dirt and the sweat from the surface of the bike.  Cleaning also aids in maintaining the longevity of the unit by ensuring that the acidic grime that inevitably get deposited on the surfaces of the machine are removed.  Failure to do so can corrode the unit and cause mechanical problems eventually. This is especially important insofar as the lubricant is concerned since the lubricants are especially sensitive to the salt in your sweat.

Daily steps to maintain a spin bike:

  1. Adjust tension to the pedals, resistance and other movable parts so that no mechanical parts are stressed. Next, all mechanical parts are extended to the optimal extent. This allows them to interact with the air and helps dry sweat quickly before it seeps into the vital parts of the machine.
  2. Take a damp cloth and carefully wipe the entire surface of the bars, handlebars, levers and seat. Skip the pedals, chain/belt drive system and flywheel in this step. Also, keep this and any other wet materials away from the console if it is a digital one.
  3. Take a dry cloth and wipe the flywheel carefully. It is mandatory to ensure that the cloth is dry because a wet cloth might lead to the water seeping into the flywheel and damaging it.
  4. If you have time, remove the pedals and wipe them carefully using a dry cloth.  Replace the pedal back on the pedal axle. If you don’t have time to perform this step, simply wipe the paddle and axle with a dry cloth.
  5. Use a fly whisk or similar dust removal appliance to clean out the dirt and grime in the chain or belt drive. You may use a vacuum cleaner at the lowest setting as well. Do not use any liquids near the drive as this would cause serious damage to the lubrication of the unit.
  6. Leave the unit in the open to dry out if wet cloths have been used on any parts. Once dry, store it away till you or a family member is ready to use it again.

Weekly or Every Other Week Spin Bike Maintenance Tips

You may need to carry out weekly or fortnightly (once in two weeks) maintenance of some specific parts of the machine. This may vary according to usage and key features of the spin bike, but the broad outlines of the procedure are as follows:

  1. Carry out the daily maintenance tasks and leave the unit unused for about 15 minutes.
  2. Take a torque wrench of 30 to 35 pounds and rotate the chain drive with it to find out whether the drive is producing sufficient torque. This measures the resistance of the spinning flywheel.  This test will decide if your spin bike is capable of providing adequate service.
  3. Take a pedal wrench and measure out the vitality of the pedals with it. Pedals being one of the components that one has to familiarize oneself the earliest when learning how to use a spin bike, such steps are suggested at the start of every spinning session for beginners. However, given that the process is time consuming, it is fine to carry it out on a weekly or fortnightly basis.
  4. Fitting of excessively large or heavy water bottles can damage water bottle holders or mounts.  Tightening the screws can help avoid breakage of the water bottle holder.

Monthly Spin Bike Maintenance Tips

Monthly maintenance tips tend to be some of the more advanced tasks to maintain your spin bike. If at any point you find yourself confused or over your head, it may not be a bad idea to consult a qualified professional.

  1. Unscrew the pedals from the axles using a standard Phillips screwdriver. (or a wrench, depending on the type of connectors used)
  2. Remove the protectors on the axles.
  3. Now use standard small machine lubricant to add a sufficient amount of lubrication to both sides of the axle. Wipe any excess lubricant from the axle.
  4. Reattach the axle protectors and the pedals.
  5. Remove the external covering of the flywheel and clear out any accumulated dust using canned air.
  6. Note the position of the belt/chain drive as it goes through the flywheel. This varies widely and as mentioned above.  You may need to consult a professional to figure out the specifics of detecting the drive. Additionally, be careful with the minute parts as any dislocation among these can seriously reduce the benefits of using a spin bike and can even cause injuries.
  7. While moving the drive a little using the pedals, apply lubricant to the inner and outer surfaces of the drive.  Continue applying oil until the drive is thoroughly lubricated.  You can stop when it produces smooth motion with little or no noise.
  8. Close the flywheel and leave the unit upright for some time to allow the maintenance processes to take effect.

Note: The drive system extends to the axle and pedal assembly.  But lubricating the part found inside the flywheel compartment should be sufficient.  The lubricant will spread itself as the machine turns.


As the above guide suggests, figuring out how to find the best spin bike is only part of the quest for the perfect spinning experience.  You want to keep your spin bike running smoothly, to maximize your workout.  The frequency and duration of your workouts will determine how much your spin bike will need maintenance.  Just follow these steps, and your spin bike will provide you with excellent service for years to come.